413 research outputs found

    Usages d’Internet à l’école selon le regard des élèves: pratiques d’intégration, paradigmes pédagogiques et motivation scolaire

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    Cette recherche analyse les usages pédagogiques d’Internet à l’école à partir du regard des élèves de différents degrés scolaires (6 – 18 ans) et de deux groupes linguistiques (francophones, germanophones) dans le canton de Fribourg (Suisse). L’étude investigue la fréquence du recours à Internet en classe et son orientation pédagogique (centrée sur l’apprentissage ou sur l’enseignement), ainsi que les effets de ces variables sur la motivation scolaire. Les résultats font apparaître des différences du recours à Internet en fonction des degrés, des filières, de la discipline et de la langue d’enseignement. Ils démontrent également un effet positif de la modalité pédagogique centrée sur l’apprentissage sur la motivation des élèves.This research investigates the use of Internet in classrooms based on the perception of students (6-18 years old) from two linguistic groups (French and German) in the State of Fribourg (Switzerland). This study analyzes the frequency of Internet uses in the classroom, their pedagogical orientation (learning vs. teaching centered), as well as their effects on students’ learning motivation. Results show an effect of school level, school track, school subject and language group on the frequency of Internet use in the classroom. Furthermore, in the context of learning tasks with information and communication technologies (ICT), this study demonstrates a positive effect of teaching centered pedagogical orientation on students’ learning motivation

    Amorfização e co-amorfização como estratégias de incremento da solubilidade de substâncias activas pouco solúveis em água (BCS - classe II)

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2017A solubilidade de substâncias activas e de excipientes em água é um dos parâmetros mais importantes no que concerne formulações para formas farmacêuticas para administração oral. Estima-se que 40% dos fármacos aprovados e cerca de 90% daqueles em desenvolvimento possuem fraca solubilidade. Para resolver este problema diversas abordagens têm sido estudadas e reportadas na literatura como técnicas de incremento da solubilidade de fármacos pouco solúveis. O recurso a modificações químicas tais como prófarmacos, sais e alterações do pH do meio são já métodos aplicados de forma rotineira. Outras modificações, de carácter físico, podem também ser efectuadas nesse sentido, nomeadamente através da redução do tamanho de partículas do fármaco, de processos de complexação, da utilização de tensioactivos, da dispersão do fármaco em transportadores e de modificações da rede cristalina. A formação de partículas amorfas e co-amorfas é uma abordagem física promissora para promover o incremento da solubilidade de fármacos pouco solúveis (BCS – classe II). Estes podem ser obtidos por técnicas de condensação de vapor, arrefecimento de massas fundidas (método de fusão e método de extrusão por fusão), disrupção mecânica da rede cristalina (moagem com bolas e moagem criogénica), precipitação a partir de uma solução (evaporação do solvente, secagem por aspersão, liofilização, electrofiação e recurso a fluidos supercríticos) ou outras técnicas (extrusão por ultrassons e impressão a jacto). A escolha de um destes métodos em detrimento de outros irá depender das características do fármaco. No entanto, qualquer análise das diferentes técnicas de produção não estaria completa sem mencionar os diferentes parâmetros que permitem caracterizar a formulação final obtida. A cristalinidade, o arranjo molecular, a dissolução e a previsão da estabilidade são os parâmetros mais importantes a analisar relativamente à caracterização de formas farmacêuticas amorfas e co-amorfas. Técnicas como a difracção de raios-X, a calorimetria de varrimento diferencial (DSC), a espectroscopia de Raman e a espectroscopia de infravermelho podem ser empregues nesse sentido. Independentemente das inúmeras metodologias já existentes, novos esforços têm que continuar a ser feitos de forma a permitir encontrar soluções mais optimizadas para a formulação de fármacos amorfos, que contribuam, simultaneamente, para um aumento da solubilidade do fármaco e também para um aumento da sua estabilidade.The solubility of active substances and excipients is one of the most important parameters relating to formulations for oral administration. It is estimated that 40% of approved drugs and about 90% of the molecules in development have poor solubility. To solve this problem several approaches have been studied and reported in the literature as techniques for expanding the solubility of poorly soluble drugs. The use of chemical modifications such as prodrugs, salts and the modification of the pH of the formulation are already routinely applied methods. Other modifications of a physical nature may also be applied such as the reduction of the particle size of the drug, complexation of the drug, use of surfactants, dispersion of the drug in carriers and modifications of the crystal lattice. The formation of amorphous and co-amorphous drugs is a promising chemical approach to promote increased solubility of poorly soluble drugs (BCS - class II). It can be obtained by vapour condensation techniques, cooling of a melt (fusion method and melt extrusion method), mechanical disruption of the crystal lattice (ball milling and cryo-milling), precipitation of a solution (solvent evaporation, spray-drying, freeze-drying, electrospinning and the use of supercritical fluids) or other techniques (ultrasound extrusion and inkjet printing). Choosing one of those methods over others depends on the physicochemical properties of the drug. Additionally, any analysis of the different production techniques would not be complete without mentioning the different parameters that allow to characterize the final formulation. Crystallinity, molecular arrangement, dissolution and prediction of stability are the most important parameters to be analysed for the characterization of amorphous and co-amorphous dosage forms. Technologies such as X-ray diffraction, DSC, Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy may be employed in this regard. Regardless of the many existing methodologies, new initiatives should continue to be made to allow to obtain more optimized solutions for amorphous drug formulations, which simultaneously contribute to an increase in drug solubility and an increase in its stability

    Morphological characteristics and distribution of Colletotrichum isolates morphotypes infecting mango (Mangifera indica L.) in the north of Côte d'Ivoire

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    Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum species is the most important field and postharvest disease infecting mango worldwide. A survey was conducted in the seven mango producing districts in the north of Côte d'Ivoire to identify and characterize Colletotrichum species isolates associated with mango leaves necrosis and fruit rots. A total of 70 isolates were identified based on morphological and cultural characters. Most of isolate colour were grey or grey whitish (36%), cottony (71%) with cylindrical conidia (97%) rounded on both ends (57%). Three texture types were observed in colonies of the seventy isolates. Most of the isolates were cottony (71%) followed by abundant aspect (23%) and closely appressed (6%). According to conidia shape, two species of Colletotrichum; Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (97%) and C. acutatum(3%) were identified in the seventy isolates. Conidia length and width varied respectively from 15.4to 19.7μm and 4.8 to 5.2 μm. The Average Linear Growth Rate (ALGR) 7 days after culture varied from 0.76 to 0.91 cm day-1. Multivariate analysis grouped the 70 isolates into four morphotypes containing, respectively: 5 (7%), 7 (10%), 17 (24%) and 41 (59%) isolates. Isolates of morphotype 1 were characterized by whitish obverse and reverse colour with an abundant mycelia aerial aspect. The second morphotypes were represented by isolates with obverse and reverse brownish grey colour and contained both conidia with two rounded ends, and one rounded and one sharped ends. The third morphotype consisted of isolates with obverse and reverse grey whitish colour. The fourth morphotype consisted of isolates with obverse and reverse respectively dark grey and grey or vice versa. Conidial length and width of morphotypes varied, respectively, from 14.5 to 17.2 μm and 4.6 to 5.2 μm. ALGR of morphotypes varied from 0.84 to 0.87 μm day-1. The present study highlighted that morphological variation of Colletotrichum species existed among the different isolates and the districts surveyed. However, to overcome the inadequacies of this traditional morphological identification, sequence analyses are needed to be carried out to confirm the identity of these Colletotrichum species isolates

    Diversité, nuisances et modes de gestion des termites (Isoptera) dans les agrosystèmes sénégalais

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    Ce travail présente la première liste des espèces de termites recensées, une revue de la littérature de leurs dégâts sur les essences botaniques et leurs modes de gestion dans les agrosystèmes au Sénégal entre 1966 et 2015. Elle a été faite sur la base d’une revue bibliographique existante et complétée par un récent inventaire dans 45 vergers. Au total, 90 espèces de termites sont recensées dont 54 sont rencontrées dans les vergers. La répartition de ces espèces est tributaire des conditions climatiques et édaphiques. Il est possible que cette diversité, relativement élevée, ait été sous-estimée à cause des difficultés liées à l’identification de certaines espèces de termites et à la faiblesse des inventaires dans certaines localités géographiques. Les récents inventaires dans les vergers ont d’ailleurs permis de signaler une nouvelle espèce, Amitermes guineensis précédemment signalée dans les jachères. Les termites champignonnistes et les xylophages sont dominants dans les vergers et 45 sur les 54 recensés dans les verges s’attaquent aux arbres fruitiers. Les termites causent des dégâts plus ou moins importants sur plusieurs essences botaniques. Leurs méthodes de gestion sont diverses et variées et l’efficacité de certaines d’entre elles doit être étudiée afin de promouvoir les plus efficaces.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Termite, biodiversité, essence botanique, dégâts, méthode de gestion, vergersEnglish Title: Diversity, damages and management of termites (Isoptera) in Senegalese agrosystemsEnglish AbstractThis work presents the first species list of termites of Senegal based on a review of the literature the plants they cause damage and the methods of their management in Senegalese agroecosystems from 1966 to 2015. It was carried out based on a bibliographic review completed by a recent survey in 45 orchards. In sum, 90 termite species are recorded and 54 were collected in orchards based agroecosystems. The distribution of termite species is related to climatic and edaphic conditions. It might be possible that this high diversity of termites is under-estimated because of difficulties for identification of some species and the weak of the surveys in some geographic localities. The recent orchard surveys have more over allowed to signal a new species, Amitermes guineensis previously known in laying fallows. Mushroom grower termites and xylophagous termites are dominant in orchards and 45 species out of 54 are known as crop tree pests in orchards. Termites are responsible of important damages of a lot of botanical species. There are several and various management methods to termite pest species and the efficacy of some of them must be further studied in order to promote the better ones.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Termite, biodiversity, botanical species, damage, management methods, orchard

    Fruit phenology of citruses, mangoes and papayas influences egg-laying preferences of Bactrocera invadens (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    Introduction. African fruit production, as well as regional and international fruit trade, have experienced heavy economic losses over the past decade due to the damage caused by fruit flies, especially B. invadens Drew Tsuruta & White (Tephritidae: Diptera). Bactrocera invadens attacks fruits belonging to numerous botanical families, several of which are of great economic importance. The females of these flies generally lay their eggs in mature fruits, but some can lay in green-immature fruits. Materials and methods. The influence of the species, variety and phenology of fruits on the fruit attractiveness to B. invadens and the elicitation of B. invadens egg-laying behaviour were studied in the laboratory. Fruits harvested regularly during the years 2008 and 2009 from orchards in the Niayes area (Senegal) were exposed to gravid females in cages set for the different factors tested. The exposed fruits were then incubated and the pupae emerging from them were counted. Results and discussion. Bactrocera invadens females laid eggs in ripe fruits. Within the same fruit species, the variety plays an important role in egg-laying preference. Hence, among the mango varieties tested, the Pêche variety hosted the highest number of pupae per fruit, while the Palmer variety hosted the lowest number. Comparison among different fruit species showed that mature papaya was more infested than mature mango or citrus. Furthermore, flies were unable to develop on lime. Conclusion. Our study showed that B. invadens can infest green and ripe host fruits, and even immature abscised fruits. Consequently, management of this pest must include preventive measures in the development and implementation of an integrated management system. (Résumé d'auteur

    Reactive surveillance of suicides during the COVID-19 pandemic in France, 2020 to March 2022

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    Abstract Aims Mitigation actions during the COVID-19 pandemic may impact mental health and suicide in general populations. We aimed to analyse the evolution in suicide deaths from 2020 to March 2022 in France. Methods Using free-text medical causes in death certificates, we built an algorithm, which aimed to identify suicide deaths. We measured its retrospective performances by comparing suicide deaths identified using the algorithm with deaths which had either a Tenth revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) code for ‘intentional self-harm’ or for ‘external cause of undetermined intent’ as the underlying cause. The number of suicide deaths from January 2020 to March 2022 was then compared with the expected number estimated using a generalized additive model. The difference and the ratio between the observed and expected number of suicide deaths were calculated on the three lockdown periods and for periods between lockdowns and after the third one. The analysis was stratified by age group and gender. Results The free-text algorithm demonstrated high performances. From January 2020 to mid-2021, suicide mortality declined during France’s three lockdowns, particularly in men. During the periods between and after the two first lockdowns, suicide mortality remained comparable to the expected values, except for men over 85 years old and in 65–84 year-old age group, where a small number of excess deaths was observed in the weeks following the end of first lockdown, and for men aged 45–64 years old, where the decline continued after the second lockdown ended. After the third lockdown until March 2022, an increase in suicide mortality was observed in 18–24 year-old age group for both genders and in men aged 65–84 years old, while a decrease was observed in the 25–44 year-old age group. Conclusions This study highlighted the absence of an increase in suicide mortality during France’s COVID-19 pandemic and a substantial decline during lockdown periods, something already observed in other countries. The increase in suicide mortality observed in 18–24 year-old age group and in men aged 65–84 years old from mid-2021 to March 2022 suggests a prolonged impact of COVID-19 on mental health, also described on self-harm hospitalizations and emergency department’s attendances in France. Further studies are required to explain the factors for this change. Reactive monitoring of suicide mortality needs to be continued since mental health consequences and the increase in suicide mortality may be continued in the future with the international context

    Bilan des MOOC Inria 2015-2016

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    Dix MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) ont été diffusés par Inria sur la plateforme France Université Numérique 1 entre septembre 2015 et juin 2016. La création de MOOC découle d'une volonté politique d'Inria de comprendre ce nouveau mode de formation et a été soutenue dans le cadre du projet uTop 2. Tout comme le document publié l'année précédente 3 sur les 6 MOOC diffusés en 2014-2015, ce nouveau document, construit sous la forme d'une série de questions, présente un bilan principalement quantitatif qui vise à alimenter la réflexion des membres d'Inria Learning Lab 4 (anciennement Mooc Lab Inria) et de la communauté des concepteurs de MOOC de manière générale

    One of the closest exoplanet pairs to the 3:2 Mean Motion Resonance: K2-19b \& c

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    The K2 mission has recently begun to discover new and diverse planetary systems. In December 2014 Campaign 1 data from the mission was released, providing high-precision photometry for ~22000 objects over an 80 day timespan. We searched these data with the aim of detecting further important new objects. Our search through two separate pipelines led to the independent discovery of K2-19b \& c, a two-planet system of Neptune sized objects (4.2 and 7.2 RR_\oplus), orbiting a K dwarf extremely close to the 3:2 mean motion resonance. The two planets each show transits, sometimes simultaneously due to their proximity to resonance and alignment of conjunctions. We obtain further ground based photometry of the larger planet with the NITES telescope, demonstrating the presence of large transit timing variations (TTVs), and use the observed TTVs to place mass constraints on the transiting objects under the hypothesis that the objects are near but not in resonance. We then statistically validate the planets through the \texttt{PASTIS} tool, independently of the TTV analysis.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted to A&A, updated to match published versio